The researchers believe that between 2030 and 2050, the ice in Arctic Ocean will completely disappear. The increasing emissions of greenhouse gases caused by the use of industries are making the ocean acidic. As a result many marine organisms are becoming extinct, especially plankton. The behaviors of various marine organisms are also changing. The temperature of Arctic region has increased from 35C to 40C and as a result the numbers of insects are increasing and the worms are eating away the birch leaves. Within few years at least 125 lakes have disappeared in the Arctic. If the temperature is not controlled then the Polar Bear in Arctic region will go wild and start attacking the humans so it is important to save their sea ice habitat. This climate change may also lead to the extinction of various animals including Polar Bear. Recently the scientists had noticed an early spring in Arctic region. The flowers emerging from the buds and chicks are hatching 30 days earlier than they did in 1990. According to some research wild geraniums, columbine and other species are blooming earlier that before. Arctic temperatures are increasing at twice the global average and is an increasing concern.
Himalayas, the tallest mountain range in the world is also under threat. There are indications that soon this mountain will disappear because it has started melting down??? The glacier lakes in Himalayas are increasing in number and sizes. The glaciers between South Asia and China has shrunk because of the rise in temperature caused by the greenhouse gases from the industries. If the temperature on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau is not controlled then a glacier, which was 500,000 square kilometers in 1995, will rapidly shrink to 100,000 square kilometers in 2030.This will imperil rain patterns, river flows and farming across Asia. Glacier-fed rivers could be over flooded as the ice melts but then dry out as the ice disappears. Even the Everest ice forest is melting down. There is a rise in the precipitation in the regions of Central Himalayas, Mount Everest and Annapurnas. This abnormal behavior of the climate will effect the life of the settlers near the mountain regions. The increase in the number or size of the glaciers is causing the risk of flood.
On 10 – 11 June 2007, major landslides had occured in Chittagong. It is also a negative sign of global warming. After 25 years Chittagong had 267 mm highest rainfall. The city was in chaos because 126 human lives were lost and there was huge destruction of property. Due to the heavy rains,the hills had come crashing down and the houses and people were buried.
Of course, the whole blame for the Global Warming Disaster has to be put on Man!!. They are responsible for polluting the atmosphere and making their own lives unsafe on this earth. In 1970 the scientists had discovered the depletion of ozone layer which protect the ultraviolet rays of the sun from directly entering atmosphere of the earth. The hole in the ozone layer was due to man- made chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). This gas we had been using in increasing amount in refrigerators, air conditioners, and as propellants in aerosol spray cans. The harmful chemicals used by the industrialists caused the Global Warming to accelerate. To build more and more industries, trees and hills were cut down. These activities are directly responsible for global warming. The trees are known as perfect antiwarming antidote because they protect us from the harmful rays. It holds the soil and prevents various natural disasters. But if the deforestation will continue taking place then the existence of the human life will become tough. Countries like Bangladesh, California, Florida, Western Europe are experiencing encroachment of the ocean as it eats into the country's coasts. Bangladesh is in threat because it may lose 17 percent of its entire territory to the ocean. Global warming is causing droughts, heat waves, wildfires, famines, new diseases, intense rainstorms, floods, food shortages, financial disaster and other extreme events. It is disrupting entire habitats and ecosystems, as well as the plants and animal lives including the humans. It is predicted that by the end of the century, a further rise of as much as 37 inches, or 3 feet may occur as snow and ice loss continues and the seas become warmer.
Various programs creating awareness relating to global warming are presented regularly. But are they rarely implemented. The well-educated industrialists are working hard to expand their industries in various parts of the world. The industries use burning fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal. It creates heat trapping carbon dioxide which is responsible for the greenhouse effect or global warming. Though these energies are used for the development of human race and eradication of poverty, but its effects have huge impact on human, animals and plant life and on the entire ecosystem.The industrial and domestic automobile is responsible for trapping 23 billion tons of carbon dioxide each year. These are the wakeup calls for the world. Instead of using their technology for destructive purpose its time for them to use these technologies for constructive purposes before its too late. Each and everyday there are news of natural disasters.. If early steps are not taken,then the world will come crashing to an end-much sooner than expected!
i totally agree, human race is taking hemslevles and everyother living thing with them towards thei doom.. the end of the world... interestinglgly bible also talks about this describing events that might occur because of the poisionous and green house gases we are exposing our earth to...
Hi Saman,
great to go through your blog, Specially SAVE THE WORLD.Have you seen "unconvinient Truth" I will send youa documentry on that.
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